Our C.A.R.E. Center is extremely grateful to have received a grant from The Turtleman Foundation! The awarded funding of $6,700 will help us to purchase medical and hospital supplies to support the care of our turtle patients, as well as a new beach transport cart for turtle releases! This grant would allow for us to upgrade our microscope, invest in a new suction unit, restock commonly used items such as ceftazidime, an antibiotic, fluids sterline saline, lactate ringers, and dextrose, as well as, vitamin B-12, B-complex, and Meloxicam. These are routinely used fluids, antibiotics, and vitamins. We will also be purchasing items such as cryovials, to store plasma and serum samples, I-stat cartridges to process in-house blood samples, IV lines to administer IV fluids. We would also be using the donation to purchase and ultrasonic instrument cleanser as well as new surgical and necropsy packs. We currently have old, incomplete packs. The new packs would allows us to have the best equipment to provide care to our patients and the cleaner would extend the life of our instruments.
Additionally, we will be purchasing ETHA foam to pad the tubs for transporting animals. As well as a Gorilla cart to aid in transporting sea turtle from the transport vehicle to the beach for public releases. We are also in need of additional cleaning supplies to better treat and take care of our holding habitats. Therefore, we will be purchasing stackable container to put scrubbers in once cleaned to prevent cross contamination of algae for each tank. A more sturdy longer pool cleaner to aid in pool cleanliness. The Turtleman Foundation was founded with a goal to help save sea turtles, aid in ocean conservation, and give back to the ocean. Over the years, The Turtleman Foundation has been able to help local sea turtle research centers all over the world!