FaunaMar: Sea Turtles Conservation, Ceará State, northeast Brazil.
Proposal Summary: The Proposal Summary should be approximately one paragraph
containing 1-3 sentences and must include the amount of funds requested in addition to a
general description of the use that would be given to those funds.
The proposed project is to promote the conservation of sea turtles in Ceará state, northeast
Brazil, through research, education and community involvement. Activities: I- Keep record of
reproduction; II- Dead stranding registration; III- Rescuing stranded turtles alive; IV- Artisanal
fishing monitoring where animals are captured unintentionally; V- Implement community,
touristic, and general public educational activities, through the "Amigos de FaunaMar
Study Area:
3-Work area: The study area involves the municipalities of Barroquinha and Camocim, in the
far west of Ceara state, northeast Brazil. Located in four Environment Conservation Units.
One is federal (Environmental Protection Area-APA Delta do Parnaíba (States of Piauí/Ceará)
and the other three are municipalities: APA Municipal de Tatajuba (Ceará), APA Municipal de
la Playa de Maceió (Ceará) and APA Municipal Isla de la Testa Branca (Ceará).