

Over the years the amazing Foundation Coriacea supports and helps the sea turtle conservation located in the area called “Golfo de Uraba”, located in Antioquia, Colombia, South America. Our name is a tribute to the world’s largest sea turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, the leatherback sea, which was the inspiration for the creation of this foundation. We are a private, non-profit civil organization that seeks to promote research and conservation of biological diversity through activities that promote knowledge and appropriation of the environment in local communities and the general population.
The Turtleman Foundation joins the Foundation Coriacea to contribute to support and promote the conservation of the sea turtles that nests in the Gulf of Urabá located in Antioquia, Colombia, South America. This is carried out locally by the Environmental Conservation and Ecotourism Association (Acaetur). Through direct interaction activities with members of the local town, and the children’s community, and local ambientalists many sea turtles received help and support in Colombia, South America. For this purpose, The Turtleman Foundation donated $ 4,000,000 pesos. Thank you Joseph Conde “The Turtle Man”.

Gulfarium Care Center

Our C.A.R.E. Center is extremely grateful to have received a grant from The Turtleman Foundation! The awarded funding of $6,700 will help us to purchase medical and hospital supplies to support the care of our turtle patients, as well as a new beach transport cart for turtle releases! This grant would allow for us to upgrade our microscope, invest in a new suction unit, restock commonly used items such as ceftazidime, an antibiotic, fluids sterline saline, lactate ringers, and dextrose, as well as, vitamin B-12, B-complex, and Meloxicam. These are routinely used fluids, antibiotics, and vitamins. We will also be purchasing items such as cryovials, to store plasma and serum samples, I-stat cartridges to process in-house blood samples, IV lines to administer IV fluids. We would also be using the donation to purchase and ultrasonic instrument cleanser as well as new surgical and necropsy packs. We currently have old, incomplete packs. The new packs would allows us to have the best equipment to provide care to our patients and the cleaner would extend the life of our instruments.

Additionally, we will be purchasing ETHA foam to pad the tubs for transporting animals. As well as a Gorilla cart to aid in transporting sea turtle from the transport vehicle to the beach for public releases. We are also in need of additional cleaning supplies to better treat and take care of our holding habitats. Therefore, we will be purchasing stackable container to put scrubbers in once cleaned to prevent cross contamination of algae for each tank. A more sturdy longer pool cleaner to aid in pool cleanliness. The Turtleman Foundation was founded with a goal to help save sea turtles, aid in ocean conservation, and give back to the ocean. Over the years, The Turtleman Foundation has been able to help local sea turtle research centers all over the world!

Mundo Marino

Mundo marino

The Mundo Marino Aquarium is a non-profit foundation created in 1999 by people who were interested in making known the wonders of the marine species and ecosystems near the city of Santa Marta, where it has its headquarters. The aquarium is an educational and scientific tool, a complement for students of schools, colleges and universities in the teaching of natural sciences and actively participating in the protection and conservation of the natural environment. Additionally, we conduct guided tours where we teach visitors the importance of organisms, their role within the ecosystem and their threats, with approximately 70,000 visits per year of national and foreign people. Mundo Marino Aquarium will be the pioneer in the implementation of interactive strategies for the development of environmental education and research programs, with emphasis on coastal ecosystems. It will promote training models on the correct use of marine resources for schools, colleges, universities and the general public. The Marine World Aquarium project will work to make its message known internationally through the support of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and similar entities.

With the generous donation of resources from The Turtleman Foundation, we will be able to improve the care, management and quarantine facilities. We will acquire important equipment and supplies for their management and care, such as a UV sterilizer to improve the filtration system in the care area. A refrigerator to preserve the food and supplemental jellies that are provided weekly. Additionally, we will be able to obtain the ideal supplement for them, which covers all the needs and requirements for these species when they are under human care. We also are in need for a new part of the hose that is used to pull water directly from the sea. Thanks to this donation we will be able to provide them with the best possible welfare during their stay in the aquarium.

Mundo marino

Tortugas Fundación

The Turtleman Foundation has made a donation to help us expand the knowledge of our beloved sea turtles to locals and everyone around the world. The donation will used to create an informational book to help show the importance protecting the sea turtles and our ocean for the blind community. This is our Environmental Education Citizen Project (PROCEDA), where we understand environmental education as a complex, multidisciplinary and formative process for life, through which we promote values in the community that allow them to know their territory and their relationship with it. If we do not take care of what we know, we will hardly take care of something we do not know.

For this reason, at Tourtugas Foundation, we believe that the cultural appropriation of sea turtles can increase as knowledge about them is spread, contributing to the protection of this millenary species. We focus on sharing intellectual production about sea turtles in an optimal and appropriate way for the community in general, generating meaningful experiences for each person who participates in them.

Georgia Sea Turtle Center

The Georgia Jekyll Island Sea Turtle Center was the first organization that The Turtleman Foundation was able to sponsor in 2012. We loved to sponsor them for multiple years and helped them maintain their current sea turtle hospitals, as well as help them get a new holding tank for their turtles in rescue. This organization is known for their amazing sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation, and for the great work they do for the east coast turtles. 


The Center offers the public a chance to learn about sea turtles and see rehabilitation in action with a host of interactive exhibits and experiences. Year-round indoor and outdoor programs are also available for guests of all ages.

Some of their most impactful programs are:

Turtles at Twilight 2021

Join two sea turtle experts after we close for an intimate experience to learn about our sea turtle patients and an up-close look at sea turtles! 

Scute’s School

lessons that provide a learning resource for parents, teachers, and anyone looking to learn more about coastal wildlife!

Florida Leatherback Association


Florida Leatherback Association is a volunteer-based,  turtle loving nonprofit organization located in southeast Florida. They specialize in leatherback turtle research as well as rescue and safe hatching. They tag and track nesting females to understand the population, their survey area covers approximately 40 km of beach and each night a team of 3-4 volunteers is responsible for documenting all leatherback nesting activity. 


They conduct an intensive night time study utilizing mark recapture, satellite tracking, and genetic studies to unravel the mystery of the leatherback sea turtle. By tagging individual turtles and documenting every encounter, they can better understand the size and health of the population as well as basic parameters like nest frequency, individual size, migratory patterns, and survival rates


The Turtleman Foundation were able to donate an ATV to this great organization to help them run across the beaches and make their surveying and rescue process faster to help them tag, rescue, and rehabilitate turtles in their area.

PROCTMM Ocean Conservation

PROCTMM Ocean Conservation is a group of researchers that seeks to contribute to the protection of key marine species in ecosystems, through different conservation strategies.This great organization is located in Colombia and known for the amazing research they do in helping the study and advancements of sea turtle lifespan and rescue. They were able to build a brand new water tank for the rehabilitated turtles they study to help in understanding and preventing the dissipation of our beloved sea turtles. 


Nacieron 26 tortugas laúd (_Dermochelys coriacea_) en la playa de @casagrandesurf, Mendihuaca, Magdalena, Colombia. La eclosión de estas hermosas tortugas laúd, fue asistida por el Programa de Conservación de Tortugas Marinas – ProCTMM-

“Protegimos el nido y en el momento de su eclosión, acompañamos su recorrido, colocándolas en la arena, a una distancia considerable del mar para que cumplan con su proceso biológico natural”

Hacemos un llamado a la comunidad para generar conciencia y establecer medidas para que el ruido, las luces, los animales domésticos, entre otros factores, no afecten la temporada de anidación en las playas donde llegan a desovar estas especies.

Soy La Tortuguita Laúd -

La tortuga Laúd, recién nacida en nuestra playa Casagrande Surf y Camping. Proveniente de una hembra adulta, quién hizo un nido de más de 1 metro de profundidad para poner sus huevitos y luego taparlos con arena. Al cabo de 65 días de incubación las tortuguitas empiezan a nacer y se mueven hacia arriba, buscando salir del nido (esto puede tardar algunos días), debido a que esperan que la temperatura de la arena baje, lo que indica que se ha ocultado el sol. Cuando logran salir, caminan sobre la arena en dirección al mar. 

Contamos Contigo Ecuador

Contamos Contigo Ecuador is a nonprofit organization located in Ecuador, that dedicates its main efforts to the conservation and protection of the native marine fauna as well as its natural environment.

This year they had a dream of being able to sponsor The Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center in Ecuador, South America. This foundation, opened their first encampment that we have been able to sponsor and help on their journey to helping the sea turtles in their area. We have successfully donated to their foundation as their first international donation received ever! This year they have successfully helped multiple turtle nests reach the sea, as well as helped to protect them during nesting season. 

They are a growing foundation that has been able to help in saving sea turtles in this region, and we are so happy to be a part of their cause and together, conserve and protect threatened and endangered sea turtles through community education and partnered research. 

At the Contamos Contigo Ecuador Foundation they know that the defense of the Environment and Marine Fauna must be carried out at all levels,they organize courses, conferences and any type of promotion, dissemination, advice, protection, research activities and communicate the results of research, in order to increase knowledge about threatened or endangered species of wild flora and fauna.


Sponsor a Turtle Campaign –  Hundreds of eggs and turtles wait for your help!

Our campaign Sponsor a turtle has as its objective the location and protection of nests and the monitoring and control of the hatching produced in them.

Thanks to our collaborators and their help, we can continue to maintain this very important project for the conservation of sea turtles.

Join us and help us ensure their protection !!

Donate now

Between the months of July to February, along the Pacific coast of Manabí, female sea turtles arrive to spawn. They come to the beach to dig a deep hole, lay their eggs, cover them, and then return to the sea. About a month and a half later, the newborns are born.

When the nesting areas are not monitored, the nests are at risk of being destroyed or flooded, which is why it is sometimes necessary to move them where they have a better chance of hatching so that the hatchlings emerge without threats and continue their way to the sea.

Your contribution of  $ 5  not only symbolically adopts one of these baby turtles, with this, you also support the young volunteers, supported by  Fundación Contamos Contigo Ecuador , who are in charge of taking actions to protect the nests, not only the humans but predators such as birds and abandoned domestic animals.

Turtle Route San Jacinto MTB 2021 

More than 150 cyclists and their families gathered on Sunday August 15 to experience a sporting event with various underlying objectives, both environmental and tourism.

The tour began in the San Jacinto spa and crossed several sectors of the Charapoto parish belonging to the Sucre canton.

We were able to participate with a stand from which we held different environmental education talks and contests related to the protection of sea turtles, because it is essential to make the community and tourists aware of the importance of protecting the different species that nest, inhabit and they feed on our shores.

We are happy with the result, since the interest of both children and adults in knowing about the life cycle of sea turtles and the work that we voluntarily carry out day by day in this coastal profile was noted.

We thank in a special way @wildaidlatino for supporting us in this activity with souvenirs for the public and other implements that helped us so that the information we provide is recorded in the minds and hearts of the inhabitants and visitors of this spa, which is an important area. of olive ridley and leatherback turtles.

We congratulate #CyclingUIO for the organization and the different sponsors and participants for supporting this type of activities that benefit tourism and conservation.

We have already located and monitored 15 nests this season 

Canton Sucre, Manabí province, is privileged for having such wonderful visitors as the #marine turtles . We are fortunate to count on approximately 25 km of beaches from La Boca de San Jacinto to Bahia de Caraquez recognized as an area of nesting Olive Ridley species #lepidochelysolivacea and Lute #dermochelyscoriacea latter gave us a unique event in the history of Ecuador, that the first hatchlings in 40 years have been born on these coasts. This season is being very busy and we already have 15 nests located in San Jacinto, Punta Bikini, El Bálsamo (site where we built the first turtle camp in Ecuador), Chirije, Pajonal and Punta Gorda and we still have 6 months to continue enjoying them.

If you live in this canton and you are excited to know that you can live this beautiful experience, without having to leave Sucre, share this publication and follow our networks so that you are aware of the hatching and can witness one, we assure you that you will fall in love with them and you will want to be part of the help they so badly need.

New nest located and monitored in Punta Bikini !